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Maarif Schools Tournament 2024 U18

Darrera actualització03.06.2024 16:35:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Burundi chess federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Ahlam, AbdallahBDI0
2Ahmad, SameerBDI0
3Andy, Nadal HabarugiraBDI0
4Andy Roy, ButoyiBDI0
5Bertrand, LusikuBDI0
6Cedric, HacimanaBDI0
7Dievin, DusengeBDI0
8Enock, NingabireBDI0
9Joshua, HabarugiraBDI0
10Junior Mussa, NdizeyeBDI0
11Kind, MuhiziBDI0
12Majaliwa, EmmanuelBDI0
13Mariette, NiyukuriBDI0
14Michael, GirubuntuBDI0
15Michael, SibomanaBDI0
16Mohamed, MotalaBDI0
17Odon Bruno, IradukundaBDI0
18Terry, Andy BatungwanayoBDI0