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Maarif Tournament 2024 Open

Senast uppdaterad03.06.2024 16:34:31, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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1Rukundo, Joe Stephane20300549BDI1831
2Abraham, SibomanaBDI0
3Arakaza, Abdoul Wadoud20300603BDI0
4Charlie, NdikumanaBDI0
5Emre, OzkayaBDI0
6Enock, HeriBDI0
7Iradukunda, Jospin20300573BDI0
8Kwizera, Benissa20300670BDI0
9Ngerageze, Dieu Merci20300654BDI0
10Vivek, KhadgawatBDI0