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Join us for the second edition of our thrilling FIDE Rated Blitz Tournaments this June 2024.
�� Save the dates: June 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd.

-Top three players in both Rated & Unrated categories each tournament will receive prizes.
-Mega Prize for the highest points across all four tournaments (Rated & Unrated)

8th ACA Saturday Night Blitz - FIDE Rated | 22-06-2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.06.2024 18:15:39, Creator/Last Upload: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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1AFMPrithvi, Raj Prajeesh33361258IND1801
2ACMRishi, N25942425IND1746
4AFMNavaneet, Sreekanth33396868IND1657
5ACMSidharth, Manakil33379173IND1640
6Uma, Eswari Meenakshinathan429012759IND1631
7AFMVismay, Sachar33390088IND1621
8Uttam, Baratam25133152IND1611
9ACMGabriel, Vivek Joseph48785881IND1583
10ACMNirvaan, Ashish Modi33368929IND1555
11Khush, Dholaria25942131IND1554
12Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1541
13Aaryan, Anil Jai Prabhakaran88116344IND1527
14Ved, Gopinath429084334IND1526
15ACMMikael, Vivek Joseph48785865IND1512
16Amith, John George48747882IND1510
17ACMNyrav, Gopalakrishnan48798398IND1507
18Jishnu, Balajee Meenu48744972IND1505
19Emilia, Anoob48731501IND1481
20Ineeyan, Devaraj Vigil48744964IND1475
21Sai, Pradyun Barla429011230IND1470
22Shaarav, Haneesh Balankurup88121003IND1425
23Arnav, Singh Dewan429018471IND1407
24Andrey, Shervin V S33369240IND0
25Apramey, Kulkarni429041961IND0
26Arav, Mehta429019460IND0
27Avaneesh, Kulkarni429000068IND0
28Ayra, Mehta429019478IND0
29Esther, Vivek Joseph429013372IND0
30Jairam, Kannappan88118053IND0
31Pranav, Santhosh88134229IND0
32Rahael, Vivek Joseph429013356IND0
33Rohan, Karthik Velpula33363811IND0
34Sriram, Palaniappan88118045IND0