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Nationale Jeugdkampioenschappen 2024 - U16 Klasse

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.06.2024 15:26:00, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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1Wijnhard, Ky-mani14326868SUR1727SCW
2Wu, Terrence8204063SUR1618FFM
3Jong A Lock, Lucas8204330SUR1609FFM
4Soetowidojo, Kevin8205701SUR1561Chess Army
5Oedit, Ishaan8203725SUR1488SCW
6Kalloe, Vidhur8204349SUR1475CSV
7Elliot, Keenan8206058SUR0Sana Budaya
8Emanuels, Justin8205671SUR0Chess Army
9Gokoel, IchiroSUR0
10Jagessar, AryanSUR0Chess Army
11Patjai, SheraniSUR0Chess Army
12Pinas, Lamelie8205655SUR0Chess Army
13Radja, Nishant8204047SUR0SCW
14Ramautarsing, YashveerSUR0FFM