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18. Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije za zene za 2024

Last update 25.06.2024 15:13:32, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7WIMVelikic, Adela913553SRB2290
8WGMMandura, Tijana16500270SRB2224
4WGMEric, Jovana938238SRB2184
1WFMVujovic, Vera9204401SRB2154
3WGMChelushkina, Irina928615SRB2134
5WIMSrdanovic, Jovana954810SRB2134
10WIMDjukic, Sandra931390SRB2118
6WFMBukhteeva, Viktoria4192907SRB2070
9Stankovic, Andrea9202522SRB1990
2Radenkovic, Mila979953SRB1870