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2024 쥬니어 그랑프리 - S3

Last update 02.06.2024 10:42:46, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1PARK, Seonjae13213768KOR1792U16EPA
2KIM, Kunhoo Alexander13209000KOR1705U16LSH
3KIM, Yegeon13219022KOR1663U16EPA
4JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1661U10LSH
5YIM, Jemin13221469KOR1616U16퀸즈
6PARK, Sihoo13220578KOR1614U16EPA
7SIM, Yunwoo13220918KOR1591U10위즈
8KIM, Nayoon B13215183KOR1569wU10EPA
9CHANG, Joowan13223313KOR1520U16퀸즈
10LEE, Jeongjun B13216821KOR1514U10EPA
11MOON, Heesung13221639KOR1513U16퀸즈
12KIM, Jaeha13219790KOR1494U08EPA
13SEO, Hawon13217089KOR1480U10위즈
14JANG, Yunseo13216538KOR1464wU16LSH
15LEE, Roun13217500KOR1428U10위즈
16SYN, Jonghyun13218387KOR1426U10EPA
17SHIN, Hyeonseo13220870KOR1409U08EPA
18OH, Jeongmin13214497KOR1404U10위즈
19AHN, Junmin13224018KOR0U10LSH
20CHO, Hyunyou13226436KOR0U12EPA
21CHUNG, Yeseo13223178KOR0wU08LSH
22KIM, Seojoong13221060KOR0U08EPA
23LEE, Onyu13226266KOR0U08LSH
24Yoo, Jaeyoon13227262KOR0U12LSH