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Guinness World Records Attempt : FIDE 100
St. Lucia

FIDE 100 Birthday Rapid Chess Tournament 2024

Seinast dagført20.07.2024 22:45:05, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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1Mathurin, Nathaniel23000139LCA1938
2Auguiste, Lyndon93800053DMA1842
3James, Justin23000422LCA1706
4Bovell, Bernard23000376LCA1704
5Elizee, Kaieem23000392LCA1682
6Charles, Ethan23000660LCA1512
7Wahid, Chelsea23000627LCA1494
8Bovell, Aiden23000813LCA0
9De Leon, Ariel23000856LCA0
10Edgar, Corneilia23000635LCA0
11Cilpa, D'yorni23000848LCA0
12Arun R, Hariram23000805LCA0
13Martin, Jesse23000864LCA0
14Sonson, Kennedy23000872LCA0
15Bovell, Leonardo23000821LCA0
16Bovell, Sophia23000830LCA0
17James, Vernesa23000457LCA0