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Prvenstvo ŠK "Rumija 1998" u ubrzanom šahu

Վերջին արդիացում31.05.2024 21:04:12, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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1Draskovic, Davor944327MNE2070
2Luksic, Vladimir927511MNE2055
3Aleksic, Nenad16500024MNE1978
4Pikula, Rodoljub936782MNE1968
5Baranin, Gojko16508327MNE1921
6Bisa, Gani936715MNE1896
7Popovic, Zoran16500083MNE1874
8Kovacevic, Sasa16503660MNE1873
9Saltic, Marijan16507088MNE1807
10Lekic, Pavle16507495MNE1799
11Rabrenovic, Matija16501772MNE1789
12Arucevic, Agim16508343MNE1743
13Radulovic, Vasilije16508246MNE1743
14Racic, Andrej16508831MNE1742
15Saltic, Marin16507096MNE1720
16Novakovic, Luka16509331MNE1625