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FRIDAY KNIGHT JAM (MAY 3) Վերջին արդիացում30.05.2024 03:36:02, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Joel, O. Ebiekuta | 22600671 | LBR | 2020 |
2 | | David, Leroy Debblay | 22600876 | LBR | 2014 |
3 | FM | Barcon, Harmon | 22600078 | LBR | 2004 |
4 | | Thomas, Saah | 22600094 | LBR | 1968 |
5 | | Wallace, O. Williams | 22601058 | LBR | 1955 |
6 | | Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo | 22600647 | LBR | 1954 |
7 | FM | Jacob, Jallah | 22600124 | LBR | 1924 |
8 | | James, Tondo | 22600132 | LBR | 1921 |
9 | CM | Daniel, Kolliemelen | 22600086 | LBR | 1920 |
10 | | Foday, W. Kondoh | 22600167 | LBR | 1913 |
11 | CM | John, Jallah | 22600140 | LBR | 1908 |
12 | | Archie, Dayyeah | 22601244 | LBR | 1894 |
13 | CM | Abraham, Kalokoh | 22600264 | LBR | 1892 |
14 | | Alfred, J. Kollie | 22600515 | LBR | 1871 |
15 | | Leroy, D. Thompson | 22601686 | LBR | 1851 |
16 | | Sambola, Kemo K. | 22600043 | LBR | 1849 |
17 | | Abigail, Karyah | 22601147 | LBR | 1835 |
18 | | Miller, Moore | 22600736 | LBR | 1830 |
19 | | Georgina, Sackie | 22601708 | LBR | 1828 |
20 | | Thomas, Giple | 22602445 | LBR | 1816 |
21 | | Joe, Warwo | 22602348 | LBR | 1812 |
22 | | Joshua, Nador | 22601988 | LBR | 1776 |
23 | | Younnie, Sheriff | 22600922 | LBR | 1765 |
24 | | Alex, Wenyou | 22602356 | LBR | 1746 |
25 | | James, Sorsor | 22600760 | LBR | 1704 |
26 | | Israel, Sambola | 22601511 | LBR | 1696 |
27 | | Harris, Zubah | 22602208 | LBR | 1679 |
28 | | Okai, A. Beauford | 22600434 | LBR | 1675 |
29 | | Lyan, A. Browne | 22602631 | LBR | 1642 |
30 | | Elijah, Thomas | 22602496 | LBR | 1641 |
31 | | Matthew, Page | 22602364 | LBR | 1618 |
32 | | Melvin, A. Weah | 22600485 | LBR | 1611 |
33 | | Hne, Arthur | 22601821 | LBR | 1561 |
34 | | Jamal, J. Ghoson | 22602259 | LBR | 1684 |
35 | | Arthur Wleh, | 22603379 | LBR | 0 |
36 | | Karngar, George | 22603409 | LBR | 0 |
37 | | Karwee, Brilliance K. | 22600809 | LBR | 0 |
38 | | Philip, Thomas | 22602550 | LBR | 0 |
39 | | Dmentrous, Gizee | 22601457 | LBR | 1534 |