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Circuito ASCADE-SINDILEGIS de Xadrez Rápido LBX 2.024 (4ª ETAPA) Neste Sábado dia 01/06/2024 ás 15h.

Last update 02.06.2024 00:27:00, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1FMCUNHA, Lucas Aguiar534369BRA2550
2CMDE SIQUEIRA, Luigy Lira530450BRA2478
3BREITMAN, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2357
4VALCARCEL, Vitor Ignacio Dos Santos530051BRA2286
5MACIEL, Diogo Alves530038BRA2240
6ALMEIDA, Ygor De Souza530221BRA2239
7MACEDO, Pedro Henrique Fernandes533456BRA2231
8CAMPOS, Westerley Batista520611BRA2192
9FELIX, Raimundo Nascimento530028BRA2150
10DA SILVA, Stenio Vargas530510BRA2105
11DO CARMO, Thiago Souza Lopes530225BRA2104
12MAMEDIO, Felipe291706BRA2075
13DE SA, Antonio Villar Marques533337BRA2041
14DE OLIVEIRA, Marcio Wandre Morais603701BRA2001
15DOS SANTOS, Najan Nascimento310003BRA1987
16DOS SANTOS JUNIOR, Joao Batista Araujo530083BRA1969
17GUEDES, Luis Augusto Maio530034BRA1897
18DE OLIVEIRA, Rogerio Soares530224BRA1873
19FERREIRA, Tiago Souza603519BRA1814
20TAMER, Joao Francisco Goncalves FalkeBRA1800
21TAVARES, Kleber Victor Paiva610330BRA1800
22BARRETO, Luis Francisco535452BRA1861
23TAMER, Santhiago FerreiraBRA1800
24DI SOARES, Guilherme Nogueira602986BRA1787