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Last update 01.06.2024 22:03:50, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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1De Carvalho, Estevao Santos534504BRA1938Cid Taguatinga
2Dias, Kaue De Lima534600BRA1919Epat
3Lemos, Antonio Caio Machado535483BRA1917Colegio Vencer
4Barbosa, Gavin Kalebe Ribeiro535417BRA1898Cid Recanto
5Rodrigues, Eduardo R. Mussupapa605016BRA1853Laudimirio
6Vieira, Erick Melo605198BRA1852Cid Recanto
7Dias, Kauã De Lima602518BRA1850Epat
8Da Cunha Carvalho, Arthur Amorim602477BRA1846Cid Taguatinga
9Farias, Pedro Saymon Freitas535425BRA1825CID RECANTO
10Santos, Israel Angelo605177BRA1822306 norte
11Dos Santos Chaves, Kaleb603010BRA1821306 norte
12Chaves, Kaua Dos Santos535420BRA1814306 norte
13Jansen, Enzo Barbosa603149BRA1812Cid Taguatinga
14Chaves, Kalel Dos Santos535419BRA1811306 norte
15De Morais De Oliveira, Emanuel Andre602640BRA1808EPAT
16Silva, Isaque Miguel Damasceno Da605204BRA1800Cid Recanto
17Nunes Nobre, Miguel602675BRA1784Colegio Vencer
18Da Silva, Davi Vasconcelos535478BRA1766Colegio Vencer
19Borges Mello, Emanuel Davi605119BRA1760306 NORTE
20Gomes Albuquerque, João Josué602682BRA1748Colegio Vencer
21Moura, Arthur Rafael Dias603027BRA1748Brasília-Df
22De Jesus, Vitor Hugo Carola RodriguesBRA0COLEGIO VENCER
23Dos Santos, Marlon SoaresBRA0CID RECANTO
24Melo, Jean Paulo SousaBRA0Cid Taguatinga
25Moura, Erick Henrique RodriguesBRA0COLEGIO VENCER
26Zika, Luiz Gustavo CarvalhoBRA0306 norte