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National Chess Championship Qualifier #3 2024 - Scarborough, Tobago

Senast uppdaterad03.06.2024 01:30:25, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 8)

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1Lee, Hayden7700350TTO1853
2CMDavis, Daryl7701250TTO1851
3Samuel Bisnath, Kael7706880TTO1780
4James, Fidel7704127TTO1702
5Maynard, David7703716TTO1631
6Samuel Bisnath, Keira7706669TTO1477
7Chance, Jayden7714297TTO0
8Grimshaw, Daejon7710577TTO0
9Kumar, Alexandra7708300TTO0
10Ramroop, Rivaldo7714300TTO0