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19th Cambridgeshire Rapidplay Challengers (U1650)

Last update 29.09.2024 18:49:47, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Sha, Linhao343442668ENG1654
2Connor, BarryENG1613
3Last, AndrewENG1601
4Lingard, JamesENG1600
5Morgan, HenryENG1600
6Thompson, GregENG1583
7Stokes, Richard432628ENG1561
8Starodubcevs, SergejsENG1558
9Sagyaman, Vassily M483680ENG1532
10De Block, Gert208159BEL1531
11Yu, Zhongbo8643776ENG1513
12Kumar, PranavsuriyaENG1440
13Osler, IanENG1374
14Arun, Saiarya343412548ENG1352
15Sharp, Wolf343434665ENG1318
16Finch, DanielENG1289
17Clarke, Chris343442048ENG1257
18Chan, JasperENG1200
19Salman, HaythamENG1184
20Chorley, Nicky Dy487473ENG1170
21Bethell, JohnENG1139