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Bulldog Chess Tournament - High School

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.05.2024 00:29:57, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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1Abuefele, SebastianHON0
2Ayala, ArioHON0
3Daccarett, EnriqueHON0
4Espaillat, BellaHON0
5Lopez, AlejandroHON0
6Lopez, AlexanderHON0
7Mejia, SebastianHON0
8Navarro, KatiaHON0
9OrdoƱez, OwenHON0
10Ponce, DavidHON0
11Ponce, MiguelHON0
12Raudales, Jose JorgeHON0
13Velasquez, DennisHON0
14Velasquez, MaynorHON0
15Zelaya, JorgeHON0