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Jamtland/Harjedalen DM-blixt 2024 del 3 Posledná aktualizácia 28.05.2024 21:58:06, Creator/Last Upload: jamt-chess
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
10 | | Bohman Karlholm, Adrian | 1720643 | SWE | 2073 |
4 | | Kehris, Andris | 1773313 | SWE | 1863 |
3 | | Andersson, Sven-Olof | 1706926 | SWE | 1849 |
1 | | Kuburovic, Vladimir | 1780123 | SWE | 1788 |
5 | | Oberg, Bengt | 1729900 | SWE | 1747 |
8 | | Kilander, Albin | 1783165 | SWE | 1738 |
2 | | Johansson, Henrik | 1718347 | SWE | 1694 |
9 | | Ersson, Arve | 1774034 | SWE | 1518 |
7 | | Henriksson, Marie | 1758160 | SWE | 1429 |
6 | | Ibrahim, Leif | | SWE | 0 |