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Torneo Súper Blitz Round Robin Edición +1400

Last update 11.06.2024 02:43:30, Creator/Last Upload: O.A. Matú Álvarez Edwin Damián

Starting rank list of players

1Velazquez Monsrreal, Julio MauricioMEX1965
7Sandy Rodriguez, Juan PabloMEX1866
9Muñoz Hernandez, Miguel AngelMEX1770
4Medina Baeza, Yongsu RenanMEX1674
10Palacios Cetz, Carlos ManuelMEX1605
2Patraca Hernandez, EfrainMEX1575
8Kelly Cruz, CamilaMEX1570
3Ramirez Chavez, AlexisMEX1546
11Espinoza Avila, Sofia YareniMEX1514
5Lopez Duk, Luis FelipeMEX1403
6Perez Avila, Farid IsmaelMEX0