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Robert Wheeler Open 2024 - U1600 Section

Last update 02.06.2024 23:40:21, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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Starting rank

1Mcnamee, Shelson7405901JAM1560Glenmuir High School
2Matandara-Clarke, Suraiya7407270JAM1540wHillel Academy
3Gali, Vaishnav7408102JAM1527Creative Kids Learning Academy
4Stewart, Alyssa7407289JAM1491wGlenmuir High School
5WCMO'connor, Zaina7403909JAM1487wMeadowbrook High School
6Gayle, Maurice7407548JAM1485Jamaica College
7Leake, Emilia-Rose7407238JAM1444wCreative Kids Learning Academy
8Logan, Liam7407190JAM1419St. Andrew Preparatory School
9Alert, JonathanJAM0Glenmuir High
10Bailey, Tashane7410905JAM0
11Clarke, Tsahai7405952JAM0wSt. Jago High
12Dawkins, Nah-Jae7409990JAM0
13Green, Nathaniel7406800JAM0St. Andrew Preparatory School
14Liao, Justin Michael7410085JAM0Glenmuir High
15Mantock, Jordan7408382JAM0St Andrew Prep
16Moses, Kayla7407076JAM0wCampion College
17Oliver, Jevaughny7410964JAM0St, Jago High
18Patel, Elisha7408021JAM0wHopefield Prep School
19Rose, Damaro7410980JAM0St. Jago High
20Smart, Jahvier7406738JAM0Lannaman's Preparatory School
21Thompson, Brian G7410204JAM0Glenmuir High School
22Williams, Dejaun7408234JAM0WECHESS