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Last update 29.05.2024 04:54:13, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez de la laguna

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Starting rank

1Carreon Morales, Saul YasraelMEX0Cbtis 97
2Carrera Primero, Haniel LemuelMEX0Cbtis 235
3Fernandez Lopez, Angel GabrielMEX0Cetis 59
4Martinez Sanchez, Bryan EmmanuelMEX0Cbtis 20
5Montoya Palafox, Marcos DavidMEX0Cbtis 196
6Morales Trejo, Sofia JaquelineMEX0Cbtis 97
7Moreno Cordova, Jesus AlbertoMEX0Cetis 24
8Onofre Mendez, Johan OdinMEX0Cetis 48
9Sanchez Mendez, Elvis ManuelMEX0Cbtis 127
10Tovar Contreras, Arena MichelMEX0Cbtis 20
11Vasquez Gonzalez, Angel AaronMEX0Cetis 83