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2024 Alex Mpuisang Chess Extravaganza Under 07 Section Boys and Girls

Posledná aktualizácia 28.05.2024 14:33:04, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1Bartlte, NehemieahBOT0
2Joachim, KeikitseBOT0
3Kesegofetse, S.Shatiso J.BOT0
4Lehakwe, GeofreyBOT0
5Mallavaram, AbhinavBOT0
6Mohanakhrishnan, SanjeevBOT0
7Mokefane, MorenaBOT0
8Mwesingwa, EbenezerBOT0
9Onkabetse, ReabetsweBOT0
10Perumalsamy, DhanyaBOT0
11Rajendrakumar, KashviBOT0
12Reddy, Manvika BaddamBOT0
13Lonial, SairaBOT0