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2024 Alex Mpuisang Chess Extravaganza Under 09 Section Boys and Girls

Last update 28.05.2024 14:32:49, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Alesego, AtsileBOT0
2Atang Aratwa, FizdaniBOT0
3Bayani, Pelontle PaulBOT0
4Botlhole, Bigboy KagoBOT0
5Matlhabaphiri, AbaleBOT0
6Caitlyn, LekoneBOT0
7Duah, NathanielBOT0
8Elboghdadi, AliBOT0
9Entle, Mongati TemaBOT0
10Erick, TumisoBOT0
11Feris, OnikaBOT0
12Pitso, RethabileBOT0
13Gabonowe, BoitshepoBOT0
14Keatlholetswe, ArefaBOT0
15Kenosi, BenjaminBOT0
16Kesiilwe, AdrianaBOT0
17Makati, RanewaBOT0
18Modise, ReatlegileBOT0
19Mokefane, MowanaBOT0
20More, LaronaBOT0
21Morolong, PhahamoBOT0
22Nkate, LewatleBOT0
23Onkabetse, RethabileBOT0
24Piet, NayangBOT0
25Prudence, HopeBOT0
26Raleteba, LilahBOT0
27Ram, SarangBOT0
28Ruele, LubaBOT0
29Ruwizhi, LubelihleBOT0
30Sebeso, AnayahBOT0
31Sechele, SannaBOT0
32Sekula Junior, KaoBOT0
33Setshego, KeneilweBOT0
34Wadikgosi, HopeBOT0
35Zacharia, TebogoBOT0
36Rukwava, ZinhleBOT0
37Seretse, SarahBOT0
38Akuge, LulwamaBOT0