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Wimbledon Congress 202410 U1700

Last update 23.10.2024 19:25:05, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Kapitanski, Furion2954630BUL1688
2Widdicombe, Ben444006ENG1671
3Brown, John343425100ENG1657
4Da Fonseca, Felix343436439ENG1646
5Gupta, Aditya343418643ENG1589
6Saxena, Advik343423892ENG1566
7Saxena, Reyansh343423884ENG1555
8George, Naveen Daniel35864540MAS1548
9Bogerd, Ethan343407323ENG1536
10Ko, Joseph343438059ENG1532
11Dubose, Craig2519623IRL1525
12Saharkar, Sharvari343401120ENG1525
13Chen, Yechu343440053ENG1462
14Li, Yueci343436234ENG1442
15ACMLiu, Leon343411584ENG0
16Ay, Ali Kaan343456367ENG0
17Chockalingam, Harish343457681ENG0
18Clerc, Nikolai343455000ENG0
19Esquerdo, Alyek343457649ENG0
20Groves, Howard431427ENG0
21Hayward, Graham343436978ENG0
22Madaan, Laksh343445705ENG0
23Peel, James343456383ENG0
24Smith, Barry R343457690ENG0
25Xiong, Yichen343422632ENG0