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Last update 28.05.2024 02:39:50, Creator/Last Upload: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

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1NMUrquiza, Marcello De Albuquerque5421822739645BRA21190PBBanco do Brasil - aposentado
2NMDe Melo, Fernando Sa24982133784BRA18890PBTRE-PB
3NMDe Souza, Arthur Olintho262432116200BRA20730PBCEF
4Dantas, Francisco15372133792BRA18560PBCEF - Aposentado
5E Silva, Genilson Lima5533122742484BRA00PEUFPB
6Magalhaes, Gleidson Castelo Branc5435222739017BRA18600PBTRE-PB
7NMCanonico, Rodrigo5312322731644BRA19150PBTRT-13
8Patricio, Franklin Zelo Almeida3389744779267BRA18210PBUFPB
9Aires, Diego A Medeiros Araujo7297622746510BRA18700PBTRE-PB - Dependente
10Jales, Luiz Fabio Alves418342170043BRA18400PBUFPB
11Baltar, Petrov Ferreira10252131366BRA17900PBBanco do Brasil - Aposentado
12Gomes, Genildo De Souza389882151049BRA17960PBPetrobras - Aposentado
13Barros, Ubirajara Barbosa385932151014BRA16570PBDPF-PB - Aposentado
14Amaral, Carlos Henrique Rabello61947BRA18000PBTRE-PB
15da Silva, Joabe Bomfim85269BRA18000PBBanco do Brasil
16dos Santos, Mauro Regis Costa87557BRA18000PBDPF-PB
17Fernandes, Markus Vinícius Luiz87282BRA18000PBUFPB
18Santana, Marcos Aurelio Pereira0BRA00UFPB