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Torneo Nacional. Tomas Jimenez. 2024. GRUPO. 5

Last update 29.05.2024 01:57:29, Creator/Last Upload: pinkycuba

Starting rank list of players

1Correa Fajardo, Luis Alejandro3530868CUB1738GRA.
6Rodriguez Ramirez, Evelin Maria3535339CUB1626CMG.
5Salgado Delgado, Massiel Lorena3530930CUB1599GRA.
3Cordoves Leon, Ruben Dario3534910CUB1586CMG.
2Bernal Santos, Idel Alejandro3536661CUB1573CAV.
4Zurita Hernandez, Claudia Elena3537102CUB0CAV.