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11th Inter School Chess Championship 2024 (Middle Section) Middle Section

Last update 02.07.2024 10:54:53, Creator/Last Upload: mizoramchess

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1Aaron, Lungougun HaokipL L0Neuhof English Medium
2Aaron, VanlalawmpuiaLal0Mary Mount School
3Abel, LalnunngilaIND0Sentea Memorial School
4Abraham, H.K MuansangaH.0Ferrando School
5Abraham, LalrinchhanaFra0Rosebud School
6Abraham, LalruatlianaLal0Rosebud School
7Adela, ZonuntluangiMan0Mary Mount School
8Alex, LalmuanpuiaV.V0St Lawrence School
9Alex, LalngaihawmaPC0Mt Carmel
10Alogel, ThangchuoiloLal0Neuhof English Medium
11Alvina, ChanuSha0Mary Mount School
12Thangmalsawm,H.0Holy Cross
13Amber, Hk VanlalawmpuiiLal0Neuhof English Medium
14Andrew, LallawmawmaLal0Mt Carmel
15Andre, VanneihtluangaLal0Helen Lowry School
16Andrew, LalvenhimaH.0Govt. Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S
17Anna, LalhruaizeliLal0St Mary's School
18Anshik, JaishiB.J0Holy Cross, Thuampui
19Anthony, LalhmachhuanaLal0P.E.S, Reiek
20Anwesha, KunduAnu0Mary Mount School
21Arogya, Raj SharmaKes0Mt Carmel
22Asael, LalpianfelaH Z0Govt Middle School, Reiek
23Ayon, UdinSir0Holy Cross, Thuampui
24B, ZoremsiamiIND0Sentea Memorial School
25B., LalrinhluaIND0Sentea Memorial School
26B., ZosangaZor0Holy Cross, Thuampui
27Basil, MalsawmsangaRos0Mary Mount School
28Benjamin, VanlalchhungaJak0Mt Carmel
29C., LalhriatpuiaC.0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
30C., LalmuanzualaCS0St Mary's School
31C., LalramhmangaihzualaC.0Ferrando School
32C., LalremruatfelaC.0Mary Mount School
33C., MalsawmkimiLal0St Mary's School
34Joel, RemruatfelaC.0CLS Academy
35C., ZothansangaZor0Mary Mount School
36C.S., VanlalrinchhanaC.0Mary Mount School
37Chawnghriatpuia, ChawngthuCha0Helen Lowry School
38Christina, LalhmangaihzualiVan0Holy Cross, Thuampui
39Christina, ZothanpuiiLal0Cls Academy
40Christopher, LalremfelaPau0English Congregation School
41Christopher, LalremthangaJer0St Lawrence School
42Daniel, C LalrohluaC.0St Andrew's School
43Daniel, LalrinnghetaLal0Govt. Nursery Middle School
44David, LalfaktluangaRem0English Congregation School
45David, MalsawmzualaLal0Holy Cross, Thuampui
46David, Ms DawngzelaK.0Rosebud School
47Dino, MalsawmdawngzelaZai0Jc Elementary School
48Edmund, LalmuankimaZor0Mt Carmel
49Eliza, LalrinpuiaLal0Helen Lowry School
50Emmanuel, H LalruatsangaEdd0Mary Mount School
51Emmanuel, ThangdailovaIND0Sentea Memorial School
52Emmanuel, VanlalhmangaihaF.0Rosebud School
53Emmanuel, VanlalthlanaJ.0St Andrew's School
54Emmanuel(Mary, Mount)C.0Mary Mount School
55Eric, C LalhruaitluangaNel0Rosebud School
56Eric, LalhmudikaLal0Rosebud School
57Eric, LalrinnungaLal0Holy Cross, Thuampui
58F., VanlalengkimaFVL0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
59Fabian, B LalhriatzualaFra0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
60Fiona, LalhruaitluangiLal0St Mary's School
61Francis, LalmalsawmaLal0Helen Lowry School
62Francis, VanneihtluangaC.0Tuikual North M/S
63Franklin, LalrinlianaLal0Mary Mount School
64Gabriel, MalsawmkimaJos0St Mary's School
65Gideon, LalhruaitluangaHB0Southgate School, Venghnuai
66Glen, LalrinkimaLal0Cls Academy
67H, LalrinzualaH.0P.E.S, Reiek
68H, MalsawmtluangaH.0P.E.S, Reiek
69H., LalhriatpuiaDav0Ferrando School
70H., LalruatfelaH.0Rosebud School
71H., MalsawmfelaH L0English Congregation School
72Hk, LalramdinsangaLal0Neuhof English Medium
73Hmangaihzuala,V L0Mt Carmel
74Hmingthanmawia,L M0Rosebud School
75Hmingthansanga,Lal0Rosebud School
76Ilan, LalhmingmawiaDav0St Mary's School
77Immanuel, LalhriatrengaJac0Helen Lowry School
78Isaac, C RothanpuiaC.0Mt Carmel
79Isaac, LalawmpuiaJam0St Andrew's School
80Isaac, LalbiakzualaK.0St Mary's School
81Isak, VanlalduhsakaLal0P.E.S, Reiek
82Isak, VanlalruataLal0Kids Care School, Ramhlun Sout
83Isak, ZonunmawiaZot0Mary Mount School
84J, ZonuntluangaJ Z0Kids Care School, Ramhlun Sout
85J., LaldinpuiaJ.0Mary Mount School
86J., LalhmachhuanaDav0Mt Carmel
87J., LalhruaisangiSam0Mary Mount School
88Jacob, LalmalsawmaZai0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
89Jacob, Lalhruaikima SailoJ.0Mt Carmel
90Janet, LalhmunsiamiRob0Govt. Nursery Middle School
91Jason, RemruatkimaR Z0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
92Jason, VansangpuiaVan0Rosebud School
93Jennifer, F. LalremruatiLal0Neuhof English Medium
94Jephania, LalengkimaMal0St Lawrence School
95Jephania, VanlalduhsakaIND0Sentea Memorial School
96Jeremy, LalchhuanawmaLal0Southgate School, Venghnuai
97Jeremy, Zoremkima PachuauRem0Helen Lowry School
98Jerry, ZorinsangaLal0St Mary's School
99Jess, LhungdimT.0Mary Mount School
100Jessai, LalengmawiaPS0Mt Carmel
101Jh, LalrinfelaVan0Rosebud School
102Joel, VanlalvenhimaR.0English Congregation School
103John, LalrinfelaLal0English Congregation School
104John, Letlungmon LhungdimT L0Mary Mount School
105Johnson, ZoremtharaMic0Mary Mount School
106Johny, VanlalchhandamaK.0Govt. Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S
107Jonathan, LalruatkimaJos0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
108Jonathan, LalsiamkimaVan0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
109Joseph, K. LalfakawmaDan0Mary Mount School
110Joseph, LalnunhluaIND0Sentea Memorial School
111Joseph, LalruatpuiaLH0Mt Carmel
112Joseph, LalzabiakaLal0Rosebud School
113Joseph, ZonunmawiaVan0Mary Mount School
114Joshua, LalpeksangaDav0St James School
115Jospeh, Ngurmuanchhana SailoL.T0Rosebud School
116Judson, VanlalpekaRam0Helen Lowry School
117Julian, LalpekhluaMic0Rosebud School
118K., LalhmangaihsangaHma0Ton's Memento School
119K., LalhruaizelaIND0Sentea Memorial School
120K., LalremtluangaK.0Rosebud School
121K., LalruatfelaK.0St Lawrence School
122K. Lalhmangaihsanga, Helen LowryMal0Helen Lowry School
123K., ZosanglianaK.0Mt Carmel
124K.Vanlalrinawma,K.0Mt Carmel
125Kaleb, Lalramliana FanaiIsa0Mary Mount School
126Kapsianthanga,Nan0Govt. Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S
127Kc, LalmalsawmaKC0St Mary's School
128Lalchama, TochhawngVL0Mt Carmel
129Lalchhanchhuaha,Lal0Mary Mount School
130Lalchhanchhuaha CLS,K.0Cls Academy
131Lalchhandama,T.0Rosebud School
132Lalchhuanmawia,R.0Holy Cross, Thuampui
133Lalchhuansanga,Lal0Holy Cross, Thuampui
134Laldintluanga,H.0Rosebud School
135Lalenkawli,Dav0Govt. Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S
136Lalfakzela,Lal0Mary Mount School
137Lalhlimpuia, VarteLal0Mary Mount School
138Lalhlunpuii,MS0St Lawrence School
139Lalhmangaihsanga,C.0Holy Heart School, Upper Repub
140Lalhmangaihzuala,Lal0Mt Carmel
141Lalhmangaihzuali,Lal0Govt. Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S
142Lalhmingmawia, ChawngthuJos0Kids Care School, Ramhlun Sout
143Lalhriatpuia Neuhof,Lal0Neuhof
144Lalhriatpuia St James,Nic0St James
145Lalhriatrenga,Lal0Govt Middle School, Reiek
146Lalhruaitluanga,R.0St Andrew's School
147Lalhruaitluanga SMS,IND0Sentea Memorial School
148Lallawmkima,Kul0Holy Cross, Thuampui
149Lallawmkima MCS,H.0Mt Carmel
150Lallawmzuala, HnamteLal0St Lawrence School

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