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Torneo IRT ADDAG Blitz 2024 #1

Last update 26.05.2024 21:10:03, Creator/Last Upload: ajedrezguate

Starting rank list of players

1CMAragon Trujillo, Ricardo M.7303033GUA1895
3Lopez, Moises Antonio7302282GUA1830
4Santos Sagastume, Paolo Andres7303866GUA1732
2Garcia Medina, Fiorella Jasmine7305338GUA1660
12Ambrocio, Hugo AlejandroGUA0
8Ayerdi Hurtado, Cynthia MariaGUA0
7Gutierrez Choguaj, Josue EmanuelGUA0
6Guzman, JimmyGUA0
10Lopez Montenegro, Hansel AndreGUA0
13Martinez, HectorGUA0
5Ordonez Bonilla, Ricardo AndresGUA0
11Palomo Torres, EduardoGUA0
9Pineda, Juan PabloGUA0