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National Championship 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 13.06.2024 20:32:58, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

1CMKhan, Taffin019700024GUY2049
2FMDrayton, Anthony019700261GUY1976
5CMGreenidge, Ronuel019700075GUY1818
4Neto, Roberto019700318GUY1815
9Couchman, Kyle019701632GUY1794
8Nathoo, Loris019700083GUY1758
6Sandiford, Keron019701276GUY1737
10Lee, Ethan019700660GUY1733
3Dasilva, Justino Manuelo John019700849GUY1720
7Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan019702566GUY1701