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Manzini Chess Open Blitz 2024

Seinast dagført26.05.2024 17:24:36, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

Search for player Leita


1Chirindza, RafaelSWZ1864
2Dube, KeithSWZ1836
3Farisse, JoaoSWZ1828
4Hlophe, SmiloSWZ1800
5Magagule, SenzoSWZ1770
6Sihlongonyane, SikhanyisoSWZ1744
7Mabuza, MbongeniSWZ1731
8Nxumalo, VuyoSWZ1723
9Cumbane, AugustoSWZ1710
10Gulamo, Jamal HamidSWZ0