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Last update 26.05.2024 19:04:11, Creator/Last Upload: AXBV2018

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Starting rank

1Jose AdelvanBRA0Lajedo
2Gilberto AlexandreBRA0Lajedo
3Maria Heloisa AlvesBRA0Lajedo
4Leo BarrosBRA0Lajedo
5Vimael BatistaBRA0Lajedo
6Jose EraldoBRA0Lajedo
7Jose JacielBRA0Lajedo
8Roberto LinoBRA0Garanhuns
9Joao LucasBRA0Lajedo
10Alana NevesBRA0Lajedo
11Joao Victor NevesBRA0Lajedo
12Matheus Da Silva OliveiraBRA0Lajedo
13Jonatas PlacidoBRA0Garanhuns
14Paulo Alexandre SantosBRA0Garanhuns
15Rogerio TavaresBRA0Lajedo
16Lucas UrielBRA0Lajedo
17Armando VasconcelosBRA0Garanhuns
18Roger VictorBRA0Jurema
19Jose WagnerBRA0Lajedo
20Ryan da CostaBRA0Lajedo