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National Chess Championship 2024 Women

Senast uppdaterad07.06.2024 19:16:21, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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1Nihaya, Ahmed16700414MDV1549
2Aishath, Sarah Ismail16701208MDV1484
3Aishath, Alya Mohamed Shareef16700660MDV1477
4Mariyam Laisa, Abdul Rasheed16701364MDV1471
5WFMNuha, Rilwan16700899MDV1467
6Eana, Abdulla Hassan16703375MDV1441
7Aishath, Iva Hassan16701127MDV1429
8Aminath, Sara Haleem16701232MDV1419
9Fathmath, Zoya Hassan Saeed16702204MDV1416
10Aini, Munthazim16702565MDV0
11Aishath Aika Ali Shakir,16705963MDV0
12Aishath, Eenaal Junaid16704649MDV0
13Aishath, Fauzaa Ibrahim16704959MDV0
14Aishath Reena,16705815MDV0
15Aishath, Zaara Shimad16704410MDV0
16Aishath, Zara Shiyam16703529MDV0
17Aishath, Zoya16705521MDV0
18Aminath Almaas Arif,16705947MDV0
19Aminath, Ayana Hussain16704002MDV0
20Fathimath, Lubana Mohamed16701895MDV0
21Fathimath, Malkiya Zameer16705165MDV0
22Fathimath, Yalene Hassan16705432MDV0
23Fathmath, Sarah Shimad16705157MDV0
24Isra, Ihsan Sadiq16705360MDV0
25Kiyaan, Hassan Mohamed16704657MDV0
26Lysha, Ahmed Jaufar16703278MDV0
27Makeena Nausheen Ali,16705785MDV0
28Manha, Ahmed Shiyam16703030MDV0
29Mariyam Saina Abdul Sattar,16705904MDV0
30Sanha binth Mohamed Aboobakur,16705874MDV0
31Thuqa, Hussain Mohamed16703502MDV0
32Zahab, Hussain Niyazy16704223MDV0
33Zaina, Zoha Yoosuf16703995MDV0