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National Chess Championship 2024 Women Վերջին արդիացում07.06.2024 19:16:21, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Nihaya, Ahmed | 16700414 | MDV | 1549 |
2 | | Aishath, Sarah Ismail | 16701208 | MDV | 1484 |
3 | | Aishath, Alya Mohamed Shareef | 16700660 | MDV | 1477 |
4 | | Mariyam Laisa, Abdul Rasheed | 16701364 | MDV | 1471 |
5 | WFM | Nuha, Rilwan | 16700899 | MDV | 1467 |
6 | | Eana, Abdulla Hassan | 16703375 | MDV | 1441 |
7 | | Aishath, Iva Hassan | 16701127 | MDV | 1429 |
8 | | Aminath, Sara Haleem | 16701232 | MDV | 1419 |
9 | | Fathmath, Zoya Hassan Saeed | 16702204 | MDV | 1416 |
10 | | Aini, Munthazim | 16702565 | MDV | 0 |
11 | | Aishath Aika Ali Shakir, | 16705963 | MDV | 0 |
12 | | Aishath, Eenaal Junaid | 16704649 | MDV | 0 |
13 | | Aishath, Fauzaa Ibrahim | 16704959 | MDV | 0 |
14 | | Aishath Reena, | 16705815 | MDV | 0 |
15 | | Aishath, Zaara Shimad | 16704410 | MDV | 0 |
16 | | Aishath, Zara Shiyam | 16703529 | MDV | 0 |
17 | | Aishath, Zoya | 16705521 | MDV | 0 |
18 | | Aminath Almaas Arif, | 16705947 | MDV | 0 |
19 | | Aminath, Ayana Hussain | 16704002 | MDV | 0 |
20 | | Fathimath, Lubana Mohamed | 16701895 | MDV | 0 |
21 | | Fathimath, Malkiya Zameer | 16705165 | MDV | 0 |
22 | | Fathimath, Yalene Hassan | 16705432 | MDV | 0 |
23 | | Fathmath, Sarah Shimad | 16705157 | MDV | 0 |
24 | | Isra, Ihsan Sadiq | 16705360 | MDV | 0 |
25 | | Kiyaan, Hassan Mohamed | 16704657 | MDV | 0 |
26 | | Lysha, Ahmed Jaufar | 16703278 | MDV | 0 |
27 | | Makeena Nausheen Ali, | 16705785 | MDV | 0 |
28 | | Manha, Ahmed Shiyam | 16703030 | MDV | 0 |
29 | | Mariyam Saina Abdul Sattar, | 16705904 | MDV | 0 |
30 | | Sanha binth Mohamed Aboobakur, | 16705874 | MDV | 0 |
31 | | Thuqa, Hussain Mohamed | 16703502 | MDV | 0 |
32 | | Zahab, Hussain Niyazy | 16704223 | MDV | 0 |
33 | | Zaina, Zoha Yoosuf | 16703995 | MDV | 0 |