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Arion Chess Tournament (26th May) - Open

Վերջին արդիացում26.05.2024 12:51:31, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Skouroupathis, Kyriakos5908981CYP1693
2Karaolis, Andreas5907802CYP1654
3Konstantinou, Nikolas5909147CYP1642
4Mylonas, Fotis5911656CYP1597
5Odysseos, Ioannis42127521GRE1569
6Gkogkornas, Yiannis358111746CYP1495
7Uljaseva, Arina5907888EST1457
8Kiselev, Mikhail5912148CYP1405
9Chebatkov, ArtemiiCYP0
10Christou, IoannisCYP0
11Dimosthenous, MariosCYP0
12Giannakou, MariosCYP0
13Hadjichristoforou, ThomasCYP0
14Hadjipanayiotou, PanayiotisCYP0
15Ilia, IliasCYP0
16Klesnins, DaniilsCYP0
17Panagi, DemetrisCYP0
18Shionis, LoucasCYP0
19Vanezis, Stylianos336105386CYP0