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Arion Chess Tournament (26th May) - Under 12

Last update 26.05.2024 12:45:22, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Gkogkorna, Sofia5912423CYP1469
2Charalambous, VasilisCYP0
3Constantinou, ParisCYP0
4Damianou, ChristosCYP0
5Iacovou, Carolina5911982CYP0
6Ioannides, AngelosCYP0
7Karaolis, Panagiotis5907810CYP0
8Kyriakou, OrestisCYP0
9Montis, TheodoulosCYP0
10Moschopoulos, IoannisCYP0
11Pavlov, IvanCYP0
12Psarras, TilemachosCYP0
13Smith, JasonCYP0
14Yiannakis, AlexisCYP0