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Arion Chess Tournament (26th May) - Under 10

Վերջին արդիացում26.05.2024 12:43:35, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Kyriakides, Stylianos5911354CYP1426
2Argyrides, PhilipposCYP0
3Chatzimireou, ElectraCYP0
4Christodoulides, AlexandrosCYP0
5Christofides, Alexandros5911516CYP0
6Christophides, AlexandrosCYP0
7Dimitrov, DavidCYP0
8Gkogkorna, Afroditi5912415CYP0
9Gkogkornas, Alexandros5912431CYP0
10Grigoriou, LeonidasCYP0
11Hadjistavrou, AggelosCYP0
12Herodotou, ChristianosCYP0
13Ilia, AndreasCYP0
14Klesnins, ArtemijsCYP0
15Kyprianou, LeonidasCYP0
16Montenon, Jean MatheoCYP0
17Nicolaou, EvgeniosCYP0
18Pantazi, StylianosCYP0
19Papadakis, PetrosCYP0
20Papadimitris, MaximosCYP0
21Paraskevaides, OliviaCYP0
22Philippou, ChristosCYP0
23Philippou, GiorgosCYP0
24Psarras, PanagiotisCYP0
25Sofokleous, Marios NikolasCYP0