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Registrations of participants should be done by filling the online registration form or by sms to 99491575Arion Chess Tournament (26th May) - Under 6 Վերջին արդիացում26.05.2024 12:44:14, Creator/Last Upload: Cyprus Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
2 | | Demetriou Keravnos, Iakovos | | CYP | 0 |
3 | | Kyprianou, Nikolas | | CYP | 0 |
4 | | Kyriakou, Iasonas | | CYP | 0 |
5 | | Nikolaidis, Panagiotis | | CYP | 0 |
6 | | Pieridis, Stelios | | CYP | 0 |
1 | | Strouthos, Andreas | | CYP | 0 |