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Eksebisi Junior Bupati Cup Dalam Rangka Hut Ke-17 Bolaang Mongondow Utara

Last update 26.05.2024 10:25:42, Creator/Last Upload: CATUR PEPARNAS XV 2016

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Starting rank

1Aisya Pomolango,INA0
2Isra P. Muliling,INA0
3M. Abizar Dolongseda,INA0
4Akfay Paputungan,INA0
5Arkan Resky Ramadhan,INA0
6M. Fajrin Patadjenu,INA0
7Nur Fami Patadjenu,INA0
8Fadila Pomolango,INA0
9Faisal Alamri,INA0
10Nurfail Aretha,INA0
11Roma Karpov,INA0
12Fitra Karim,INA0
13Hindun Malahayati,INA0
14Siti Adila Patadjenu,INA0