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Last update 26.05.2024 03:48:50, Creator/Last Upload: Yael de Jesús Santiago Ortiz

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Starting rank list

1Velasco Bartolo, Ariel5186099MEX1718
2Santiago, Ortiz Yael De JesusMEX1700
3Hurtado, Garcia Erick YaelMEX1638
4Reyes, Hernandez Jose AntonioMEX1628
5Torres, Ramirez MauricioMEX1617
6Ramirez, Cruz Aby DairaMEX1608
7Martinez, Vasquez AngelMEX1596
8Rodriguez, Castro JalilMEX1589
9Ojeda, Lopez Itzia MiztiliMEX1566
10Velasco, Ramirez SamuelMEX1560
11Avendano Lopez, Dylan JaredMEX0
12Bautista Lopez, Mauricio JuanMEX0
13Cortes Mendez, CamilaMEX0
14Cruz Agapito, JosiasMEX0
15Feria Garcia, Carlos JesusMEX0
16Galindo Santiago, LesleyMEX0
17Hernandez Santiago, Samuel AbelMEX0
18Hilario Ayala, MoctezumaMEX0
19Hilario Miguel, MaetzinMEX0
20Montes Cruz, ArmandoMEX0
21Osorio Cruz, Axel EmirMEX0
22Perez Reyes, RafaelMEX0
23Ramos Lopez, DavidMEX0
24Rivera Choncoa, TomasMEX0
25Sanchez Ojeda, NelsonMEX0
26Santiago Ortiz, OmarMEX0