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Categoria Abierta Torneo Aniversario Peon Coronado

Last update 25.05.2024 22:11:14, Creator/Last Upload: David Encinas Varela

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Starting rank

1Rascon Vega, Alfonso5102022MEX2147Chihuahua
2Arreguin, Hernandez Alan Guillermo5108349MEX2111Chihuahua
3Hernandez Sigala, Jaime5136156MEX1945Chihuahua
4Dominguez Gonzalez, Edgar5156483MEX1843Chihuahua
5Moreno Gutierrez, Emmanuel5185050MEX1757
6Chavez, Sedano Ana Laura5142130MEX1731Chihuahua
7Monarrez Gallegos, Jesus Fernando5184380MEX1711Chihuahua
8Ordonez, Sanchez Andrea Angelica29628040MEX1691Chihuahua
9Nunez Osete, Omar Alejandro29624584MEX1676Chihuahua
10Franco Gonzalez, Emilio5182751MEX1644Chihuahua
11Chaparro Villezcaz, BrunoMEX0
12Esquivel Valdez, Kevin DanielMEX0
13Hernandez, Dominguez EmmanuelMEX0Chihuahua
14Medina Villagran, Erik LeopoldoMEX0
15Saenz Perez, EdwinMEX0
16Vaquera Miramontes, Mario AlbertoMEX0
17Vitolas perez, EdwinMEX0