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Categoria Sub 14 Torneo Aniversario Peon Coronado

Last update 25.05.2024 21:08:21, Creator/Last Upload: David Encinas Varela

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Starting rank

1Gardea Coronado, Mayte Alexandra29645956MEX1776Chihuahua
2Levario, Montes Axel JaredMEX1600Chihuahua
3Sotelo, Leal AlejandroMEX1600Chihuahua
4Carrillo, Millan Lian EduardoMEX1520Chihuahua
5Alarcon Barraza, AlejandroMEX0
6Gutierrez Torres, Victor HugoMEX0
7Lozano Munoz, VanessaMEX0
8Rodriguez, Lopez Ramon OrlandoMEX0Chihuahua
9Vazquez Leyva, JoelMEX0
10Vega Vazquez, CamilaMEX0