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Categoria Sub 10 y Sub 8 Torneo Aniversario Peon Coronado

Last update 25.05.2024 20:53:31, Creator/Last Upload: David Encinas Varela

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Starting rank

1Castillo, Sigala David EmmanuelMEX1500Chihuahua
2Fierro, Morales Axel SantiagoMEX1470Chihuahua
3Abundis Mendez, Noel EduardoMEX0
4Galarza Bonilla, AndresMEX0
5Galarza Bonilla, SantiagoMEX0
6Garcia, Hernandez Jose DanielMEX0Chihuahua
7Hernandez Diaz, Ian RolandoMEX0
8Mata armendariz, LeonardoMEX0
9Medrano Gonzalez, Jonathan AlbertoMEX0
10Mendoza Zapata, SaidMEX0