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Final Individual Syria Open Chess Tournament 2024

Men & Women

Seinast dagført29.05.2024 21:38:27, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

9IMEiti, Bashir7601875SYR22862286
8FMKoniahli, Malek7603495SYR22822282
5IMAlzaim, Talal7600402SYR21232123
7FMChekh Adm Khedr, Aram7601948SYR21082108
10Fandi, Mazen.7611625SYR20482048
6Kareem, Hneidi.7608730SYR20242024
1Samer, Dabass7606206SYR19141914
3Masoud, Hamzeh.7610840SYR18601860
4Latifa, Edwar.7609647SYR18001800
2Fandi, Mohammad.7613458SYR16281628