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Segundo Torneo Escolar de 4

Segundo Grand Prix Escolar Individual 2024 Categoria SUB 9 CLUB CAISSA GUATEMALA

Last update 25.05.2024 18:44:36, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank

1García Marroquín, Carlos FernandoGUA1525Alemán
2Yilmaz, AhmetGUA1512Valle Verde
3García, VíctorGUA1443Village
4Ayala, José AlejandroGUA1401Village
5Arroyo, AmandaGUA1400Valle Verde
6Girón Giraldo, NicolasGUA1400Village
7Gomez Nott, EmilioGUA1400Alemán
8Haese Ponciano, LucianaGUA1400Alemán
9Juarez, IvannaGUA1400Internacional Guatemala
10Lucas, PerlaGUA1400Village
11Morales, LucianoGUA1400Village
12Ponce, SebastianGUA1400Village
13Rodas, Javier AlejandroGUA1400Alemán
14Salazar, BorisGUA1400Village
15Tejeda, DiegoGUA1400Village
16Zamora Valenzuela, EduardoGUA1400Village