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2024 Alex Mpuisang Extravaganza Under U11 Section

Վերջին արդիացում25.05.2024 15:37:06, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Adel K, BokhutloBOT0
2Akaje, LulwanaBOT0
3Arul Murugan, YuganBOT0
4Botlhole, Sephane BokaoBOT0
5Chilume, ShawnBOT0
6Chimwe, KaylorBOT0
7Chitambo, KeziahBOT0
8Chizhala, NshaBOT0
9Chube, PrinceBOT0
10Gasemodimo, LutherBOT0
11Gatogang, ThapeloBOT0
12John, KeithBOT0
13Keoletile, NgwaoBOT0
14Koloi, EwetseBOT0
15Lang, MingBOT0
16Latelang, ReatileBOT0
17Legakwa, RuzayiBOT0
18Letang, MylaBOT0
19Letsholo, OleosiBOT0
20Madabuka, ChipoBOT0
21Molete, AndiaBOT0
22Mirembe, JirehBOT0
23Moatswi, BreanaBOT0
24Mokefane, KopanoBOT0
25Mugambari, Iye MbaliBOT0
26Molale, RelebogileBOT0
27Mwantembe, TwasanteBOT0
28Otto, KerBOT0
29Pelotshweu, BotlhaleBOT0
30Perumalsamy, LogsaramBOT0
31Pesic, MatijaBOT0
32Rajendrakumar, VarunBOT0
33Sekula, OneBOT0
34Thuso, LeatileBOT0
35Wambiru, JudeBOT0
36Yaone, ModiseBOT0
37Dithebe, PhetoBOT0
38Lemphorwana, MosaBOT0
39Chube, FaithBOT0