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Torneo Municipal de 1ra Categoria Playa 2024
Clasifica el primer lugar para la Zonal Provincial
Torneo Municipal de 1ra Categoria Playa 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 30.05.2024 15:27:17, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | | Gelacio, Gonzalez Rondon | 3506576 | CUB | 1992 |
2 | | | Jose Angel, Marti Moreno | 3522547 | CUB | 1879 |
3 | | | Barbaro Omar, Rosabal Sarda | 3522610 | CUB | 1866 |
4 | | | Manuel, Herrera Soto | 3532658 | CUB | 1834 |
5 | | | Juan Alberto, Rodriguez Gomez | 3517420 | CUB | 1816 |
6 | | | Dario, Garces Napoles | 3535622 | CUB | 1665 |
7 | | | Yosnel Alejandr, Medina Rodriguez | 3536939 | CUB | 1638 |
8 | | | Maisel, Lopez Valdes | | CUB | 0 |
9 | | | Diego David, Santiago Perez | | CUB | 0 |
10 | | | Rodrigo, Gonzalez Peres | | CUB | 0 |
11 | | | Kristopher Robert, Alvarez Acosta | | CUB | 0 |