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Blitz da Copa Energia 2024 Paulo Afonso-BA

Last update 25.05.2024 05:37:29, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

Starting rank list of players

2CMNETO, Jayme Amorim De Miranda270005BRA2387Maceió-Al
1LIMA, Rikelme Amorim Dos Santos270801BRA2263Barra De São Miguel-Al
4MARQUES, Eudes Pinto290148BRA2262Paulo Afonso-Ba
3SILVA, Erick Feitosa Da290040BRA2258Paulo Afonso-Ba
6DA SILVA, Lucas Fabricio De Oliveira271400BRA1977Maceió-Al
5VIEIRA, Wilter Pereira290001BRA1956Lauro De Freitas-Ba
8DO COUTO JUNIOR, Ricardo Manoel292295BRA1940Camaçari-Ba
9STRAATMANN, Carlos Alberto290436BRA1739Salvador-Ba
7SILVA, Marcio Da Silveira292926BRA1667Salvador-Ba