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ukáž detaily turnaja
Each Section Winner: Trophy + £20, 2nd : Silver Medal + £15, 3rd: Bronze medal +£10Wimbledon Junior Rapid 202411 U12-U14 Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 12:06:53, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy
Štartová listina
č. | Meno | ID | FED | Elo | pohlavie | Gr |
1 | Sengupta, Aditya Vikram | 347035 | ENG | 1518 | | U12 |
2 | Kjaer, Alexander | 356173 | ENG | 948 | | U12 |
3 | Das, Anusaya | 0 | ENG | 0 | w | U14 |