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Last update 24.05.2024 02:51:04, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Fuentes, Guzman Victor Hugo5104815MEX1824Chiapas
2Alfaro, Estudillo Carlos ArturoMEX1706Chiapas
3Garcia, Rivas Andres5175003MEX1689
4Velazquez, Simon Olger5111714MEX1562Chiapas
5Rincon, Aguilar Carlos Javier5142431MEX1514Chiapas
6Victorio, Nolasco David AshleyMEX1504Chiapas
7Marroquin, Hernandez BerzainMEX1423Chiapas
8Monzon, Simota Cristian RicardoMEX1379Chiapas
9Perez, Jimenez Aldrinch JavierMEX1370Chiapas
10Bustos, Aquino Darien AlexisMEX1348Chiapas
11Perez, Cortez Juan AlbertoMEX1348Chiapas
12Perez, Galdamez RomeoMEX1344Chiapas
13Gonzalez, Salas ArmandoMEX1276Chiapas
14Aquino Vargas, Jose JulianMEX0
15Estrada Ramirez, David AlexisMEX0
16Paredes, AngelMEX0
17Blanco, Guillen Jose HumbertoMEX1921Chiapas
18Rico, Soto Miguel EmilioMEX1376Chiapas
19Mendoza, Sierra Ivan Dario5123160MEX1566Chiapas
20Santiz, Perez MauricioMEX1448Chiapas