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13th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2013

Last update 21.04.2013 10:05:54, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

Player overview for SWE

22GMAkesson Ralf246224620SWE111½1½0½½6192484105,00Open
187Holming Patrick193801938SWE0100110104130204400,00Open
34Sjogren Stig184918490SWE1011001439127030-3,60Challenger

Results of the last round for SWE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Sjogren Stig18493 1 - 03 Gopal Singh Mann1447
GMAkesson Ralf2462 ½ - ½ FMZhao Zhouqiao Chn2219
Imocha Laishram2204 1 - 04 Holming Patrick1938

Player details for SWE

Sjogren Stig 1849 SWE Rp:1270 Pts. 4
191Medvedev Vladimir000RUS2w 1
288Liu Zhao000CHN4,5s 0
380Eliseev Egor000RUS2,5w 1
482Fugal Jeremy000USA3s 1
51FMBirjukov Sergey209120910RUS6w 00,20-0,2030-6,00
678Cheng Zile000CHN5s 0
754Gopal Singh Mann144714470IND3w 10,920,08302,40
GM Akesson Ralf 2462 SWE Rp:2484 Pts. 6
1122Hj Azahari Siti Nur Fatimah203720370BRU3w 10,920,08100,80
271Portugalera Ric220422040PHI4,5s 10,820,18101,80
343IMMas Hafizulhelmi234123410MAS6w 10,660,34103,40
47GMHansen Sune Berg256125610DEN7s ½0,360,14101,40
55GMBarbosa Oliver256325630PHI7w 10,360,64106,40
68GMParagua Mark255725570PHI6w ½0,370,13101,30
710GMZhao Zong-Yuan253725370AUS7,5s 00,40-0,4010-4,00
869WIMAbdumalik Zhansaya220922090KAZ6s ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
967FMZhao Zhouqiao Chn221922190CHN6w ½0,80-0,3010-3,00
Holming Patrick 1938 SWE Rp:2044 Pts. 4
187Liu Yan214921490CHN6w 0
2136Zhang Lanlin197419740CHN4s 1
3102Kulpruethanon Thanadon211421140THA5w 0
4132Sivara Poompat199419940THA4s 0
5154Bianchi Simone185918590SUI2,5w 1
6126Xiao Junyuan201920190CHN4s 1
799Sewambar Ashwin212121210TPE5- 0K
8121Hutzheimer Alfred203820380AUT3w 1
970Imocha Laishram220422040IND4,5s 0