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13th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2013

Last update 21.04.2013 10:05:54, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

Player overview for IRI

42GMGhane Shojaat234123410IRI1½½10½1004,597215410-20,50Open
6Memarian Milad205720570IRI1101001431182615-28,35Challenger

Results of the last round for IRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Memarian Milad20573 1 - 03 WCMPhitchayarom Ruja1629
GMGhane Shojaat2341 0 - 1 WFMQiu Mengjie2088

Player details for IRI

Memarian Milad 2057 IRI Rp:1826 Pts. 4
162Garcia Edil Gester176901769PHI3,5w 1
243Hanumantha R.171317130IND4s 10,880,12151,80
331Atul Kumar185218520IND6w 00,76-0,7615-11,40
447Schukin Maksim166516650RUS3,5s 10,920,08151,20
521Dongre Chandrakant196519650IND6w 00,63-0,6315-9,45
635Jourde Michel184018400FRA4s 00,78-0,7815-11,70
750WCMPhitchayarom Ruja162916290THA3w 10,920,08151,20
GM Ghane Shojaat 2341 IRI Rp:2154 Pts. 4,5
1142Laurain Dominique195319530FRA4w 10,910,09100,90
291Fang Yuxiang214121410CHN5,5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
397Dubina Pavel212221220CZE4w ½0,78-0,2810-2,80
495WIMXu Huahua212421240CHN5s 10,780,22102,20
589Bitoon Jimson214521450PHI5w 00,75-0,7510-7,50
683Bao Qilin216321630CHN5s ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
777Bykov Mikhail218221820RUS4,5w 10,710,29102,90
821GMVarga Zoltan247224720HUN5,5s 00,32-0,3210-3,20
9107WFMQiu Mengjie208820880CHN5,5w 00,81-0,8110-8,10