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13th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2013

Last update 21.04.2013 10:05:54, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

Player overview for FRA

27IMBijaoui Manuel241624160FRA1101100½15,539231510-6,20Open
73CMMarie Maxime220022000FRA1011½00104,59822631513,95Open
142Laurain Dominique195319530FRA01½0110½0412520611522,65Open
157Le Bris Louis184218420FRA00101½½003169173015-5,55Open
166Bijaoui Denis179117910FRA0½000½1013179157615-0,30Open
194Celhay Olivier000FRA000½100012,5191163600,00Open
35Jourde Michel184018400FRA11½½01043717801510,20Challenger

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Ruston Mark R20354 1 - 04 Jourde Michel1840
Zhou Jiangnan18275 0 - 1 IMBijaoui Manuel2416
CMKananub Warot21394 1 - 04 Laurain Dominique1953
Le Bris Louis18423 0 - 13 Xiao Junyuan2019
Pheephacharakan Pinatpong02 0 - 12 Bijaoui Denis1791
Savarkar Narendra1250 0 - 1 Celhay Olivier0
CMMarie Maxime2200 0 not paired  

Player details for FRA

Jourde Michel 1840 FRA Rp:1780 Pts. 4
192Mendez Julie Ann000PHI2,5s 1
296Nekhoroshev Mikhail000RUS2,5w 1
38Baumgartner Martin204320430AUT2,5s ½0,240,26153,90
420Jayaram R.196819680IND4,5w ½0,330,17152,55
514Ferdiman Tersiman200920090INA4s 00,28-0,2815-4,20
66Memarian Milad205720570IRI4w 10,220,781511,70
711Ruston Mark R203520350ENG5s 00,25-0,2515-3,75
IM Bijaoui Manuel 2416 FRA Rp:2315 Pts. 5,5
1127Brunner Karl201220120SUI4s 10,920,08100,80
282Wang Doudou216521650CHN5w 10,810,19101,90
38GMParagua Mark255725570PHI6s 00,31-0,3110-3,10
476CMPuranik Abhimanyu218321830IND5w 10,790,21102,10
558Yeoh Li Tian226622660MAS6s 10,700,30103,00
63GMGustafsson Jan262126210GER7s 00,24-0,2410-2,40
743IMMas Hafizulhelmi234123410MAS6w 00,60-0,6010-6,00
891Fang Yuxiang214121410CHN5,5w ½0,83-0,3310-3,30
9162Zhou Jiangnan182718270CHN5s 10,920,08100,80
CM Marie Maxime 2200 FRA Rp:2263 Pts. 4,5
1173Chan Yi Meng Ryan168916890MAS2,5s 10,920,08151,20
224IMSaptarshi Roy242624260IND6w 00,21-0,2115-3,15
3135Katajainen Kimmo197619760FIN3s 10,780,22153,30
420GMGao Rui247524750CHN6w 10,170,831512,45
526GMSriram Jha242124210IND5s ½0,220,28154,20
640FMVoigt Martin236423640GER5,5w 00,28-0,2815-4,20
732IMAkshat Khamparia239323930IND5,5s 00,25-0,2515-3,75
8127Brunner Karl201220120SUI4w 10,740,26153,90
9-not paired--- --- 0
Laurain Dominique 1953 FRA Rp:2061 Pts. 4
142GMGhane Shojaat234123410IRI4,5s 00,09-0,0915-1,35
2198Pheephacharakan Pinatpong000THA2w 1
384Suharto Moh Wahyu Repelita216221620INA4,5s ½0,230,27154,05
411GMHorvath Jozsef253425340HUN5,5w 00,08-0,0815-1,20
578Hj Sulaiman Amir Fakhry218021800BRU2,5s 10,210,791511,85
682Wang Doudou216521650CHN5w 10,230,771511,55
758Yeoh Li Tian226622660MAS6s 00,14-0,1415-2,10
888WFMXiao Yiyi214821480CHN5w ½0,250,25153,75
992CMKananub Warot213921390THA5s 00,26-0,2615-3,90
Le Bris Louis 1842 FRA Rp:1730 Pts. 3
157Causo Deniel227122710PHI5,5w 00,08-0,0815-1,20
2106Karthik V. Ap209320930IND6s 00,19-0,1915-2,85
3194Celhay Olivier000FRA2,5w 1
4118Chong Chor Yuen204220420HKG5s 00,24-0,2415-3,60
5199Shevtcov Boris000RUS2w 1
6108Hj Azahari Md Aliuddin208720870BRU4,5s ½0,200,30154,50
7110Gurevich Alexander Y.207420740RUS4w ½0,210,29154,35
8104Ilmoni Tommy210921090FIN4s 00,18-0,1815-2,70
9126Xiao Junyuan201920190CHN4w 00,27-0,2715-4,05
Bijaoui Denis 1791 FRA Rp:1576 Pts. 3
166Frosch Ronald222022200AUT5s 00,08-0,0815-1,20
2119Samaganova Alexandra204020400KGZ4w ½0,190,31154,65
368Steinbrecht Ralf221422140GER5,5s 00,08-0,0815-1,20
4189Parrott Laurence179601796ENG3,5w 0
5191Oganesyan Nikolay164701647RUS3s 0
6201Umanova Sofia000RUS1,5w ½
7181Sonowal Aryan143714370IND3s 10,890,11151,65
8141Yutithamnon Surapole195619560THA4w 00,28-0,2815-4,20
9198Pheephacharakan Pinatpong000THA2s 1
Celhay Olivier 0 FRA Rp:1636 Pts. 2,5
194Nayan Ahmad Fadzil212821280MAS4s 0
2139Tuamsang Sawapop196719670THA3,5w 0
3157Le Bris Louis184218420FRA3s 0
4175WCMAtthaworadej Worasuda167816780THA3,5w ½
5165Tachaplalert Suvich180418040THA2s 1
6155Nakvanich Sahapol185718570THA4w 0
7149Darby Peter190019000ENG3s 0
8167Campi William178817880USA3,5w 0
9182Savarkar Narendra125012500IND1,5s 1