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13th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2013

Last update 21.04.2013 10:05:54, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

Player overview for AUS

10GMZhao Zong-Yuan253725370AUS1111½½11½7,5126951018,50Open
25IMIllingworth Max242324230AUS110½1101½630239710-1,20Open
63FMReilly Tim224322430AUS1½0101½½04,5951990151,80Open
81Zulfic Fedja216621660AUS101010½104,5103209215-4,95Open
7Camer Angelito205420540AUS1011110511178715-10,95Challenger
65Ilic Milan167501675AUS010½½1½3,555152000,00Challenger

Results of the last round for AUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Andrian Endang18785 1 - 05 Camer Angelito2054
Mathur Tarun17353 ½ - ½3 Ilic Milan1675
GMZhao Zong-Yuan25377 ½ - ½ IMWan Yunguo2494
Yeoh Li Tian2266 ½ - ½ IMIllingworth Max2423
IMThejkumar M. S.2412 1 - 0 Zulfic Fedja2166
Caranyagan Carlo1969 1 - 0 FMReilly Tim2243

Player details for AUS

Camer Angelito 2054 AUS Rp:1787 Pts. 5
163Lim Paula Mae170601706PHI3,5s 1
239Goenka Saumya Sanjay179617960IND5,5w 00,82-0,8215-12,30
365Ilic Milan167501675AUS3,5s 1
446Chander Mohan Sharma167416740IND4w 10,910,09151,35
566Tan Eng Seong167501675MAS4,5s 1
683Ibanez Rudy000PHI5w 1
758Andrian Endang187801878INA6s 0
Ilic Milan 1675 AUS Rp:1520 Pts. 3,5
19Gavilan Jr Arnulfo204220420PHI3w 0
299Pai Arjun000USA1s 1
37Camer Angelito205420540AUS5w 0
4112Fortner Hueston000USA2,5s ½
538Kuich Gero180818080SUI4s ½
696Nekhoroshev Mikhail000RUS2,5w 1
742Mathur Tarun173517350IND3,5s ½
GM Zhao Zong-Yuan 2537 AUS Rp:2695 Pts. 7,5
1110Gurevich Alexander Y.207420740RUS4w 10,920,08100,80
259FMFrosch Erich226422640AUT4s 10,830,17101,70
329IMLavrov Maxim240324030RUS5w 10,680,32103,20
441Nouri Hamed235623560PHI6s 10,740,26102,60
53GMGustafsson Jan262126210GER7w ½0,380,12101,20
624IMSaptarshi Roy242624260IND6s ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
722GMAkesson Ralf246224620SWE6w 10,600,40104,00
81GMShort Nigel D269726970ENG6,5s 10,290,71107,10
916IMWan Yunguo249424940CHN7w ½0,56-0,0610-0,60
IM Illingworth Max 2423 AUS Rp:2397 Pts. 6
1125Fong Yit San202420240MAS4,5s 10,920,08100,80
280Vospernik Andrej217021700SLO4w 10,810,19101,90
34GMKoneru Humpy259725970IND6,5s 00,27-0,2710-2,70
474Kivimaki Jaakko219721970FIN5w ½0,79-0,2910-2,90
570Imocha Laishram220422040IND4,5s 10,780,22102,20
691Fang Yuxiang214121410CHN5,5w 10,840,16101,60
76GMLu Shanglei256225620CHN6s 00,31-0,3110-3,10
853FMPitirotjirathon Jirapak228322830THA5w 10,690,31103,10
958Yeoh Li Tian226622660MAS6s ½0,71-0,2110-2,10
FM Reilly Tim 2243 AUS Rp:1990 Pts. 4,5
1163Wongsawan Thoetsak182418240THA4s 10,920,08151,20
214GMHorvath Adam250925090HUN6,5w ½0,180,32154,80
326GMSriram Jha242124210IND5s 00,27-0,2715-4,05
4125Fong Yit San202420240MAS4,5w 10,780,22153,30
5193Asuela Ellan000PHI5,5s 0
6127Brunner Karl201220120SUI4w 10,790,21153,15
7101Wang Xinyue211721170CHN4s ½0,67-0,1715-2,55
8123Rohan Ahuja203120310IND5,5w ½0,77-0,2715-4,05
9185Caranyagan Carlo196901969PHI5,5s 0
Zulfic Fedja 2166 AUS Rp:2092 Pts. 4,5
1181Sonowal Aryan143714370IND3s 10,920,08151,20
232IMAkshat Khamparia239323930IND5,5w 00,21-0,2115-3,15
3143Akharaboollasez Akharin193819380THA3,5s 10,790,21153,15
434WGMSukandar Irine Kharisma238823880INA5,5w 00,22-0,2215-3,30
5135Katajainen Kimmo197619760FIN3s 10,750,25153,75
638FMMenkinoski Riste237023700MKD6w 00,24-0,2415-3,60
7113Dotsenko Viacheslav205920590RUS4,5s ½0,65-0,1515-2,25
8155Nakvanich Sahapol185718570THA4w 10,860,14152,10
928IMThejkumar M. S.241224120IND5,5s 00,19-0,1915-2,85